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Green Finance

Basic Policy

JHR manages its assets in consideration of "Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)" and, as part of its efforts, aims to achieve a sustainable environment and society through the implementation of green finance.

Green Finance Framework

JHR formulated the Green Finance Framework in accordance with the Green Bond Principles, Green Loan Principles, Green Bond Guidelines, and Green Loan Guidelines.

Established on January 2024
Revised on August 2024

Use of Procured Funds

JHR will allocate the funds procured through the Green Finance to the following three purposes that meet the Eligibility Criteria below: (1) for the acquisition of green buildings or refinancing of the funds used for the acquisition, (2) for renovation work, and (3) for the acquisition or installation of renewable energy generation equipment.

●Eligibility criteria

  • Green building

Properties that have obtained or renewed certification from any of the following third-party certification organizations or properties that intend to obtain or renew such certification:

  • DBJ Green Building Certification
3 stars or higher
  • CASBEE Certification
  • CASBEE for Buildings / CASBEE for Real Estate
B+ or higher
  • Municipal version CASBEE
B+ or higher (provided that the buildings were completed within 3 years from the construction completion date.)
  • BELS Certification
  • BELS (2016 standard)
3 stars or higher*
  • BELS (2024 standard for Non-residential)
Level 4 or higher*
* New acquisitions of existing buildings constructed before 2016 must be Level 3 or above and must be eligible. Specifically, for factories and other facilities such as logistics centers and warehouses, the BEI (Building Energy Index) must be 0.75 or lower.
  • LEED Certification
Silver rank or higher (For LEED BD+C, v4 and later)
  • BREEAM Certification
Very good or better (v6 or later)
  • Renovation work

Renovation work that meets any of the following:

  • Renovation work that has the effect of reducing any of the following: CO2 emissions, energy consumption, or water consumption by 30% in real estate managed by JHR
  • Renovation work intended to improve one or more stars or ranks of certification by third-party certification organizations as defined in the Eligibility Criteria 1
  • Renewable energy

Acquisition or installation of the following renewable energy power generation equipment.

  • Solar power generation
  • Onshore wind power generation (limited to equipment with output of less than 20kW)
  • Biomass power generation (limited to equipment where fuel is sourced from its location or adjacent prefectures)

Process for Project Evaluation and Selection

JHRA's Finance Group and ESG Team will select project candidates for which the procured funds will be used, and decisions will be made by the Investment and Operation Committee, the Board of Directors and JHR’s Board of Directors.

Management of Procured Funds

JHR will promptly allocate the total procured funds to projects that meet the Eligibility Criteria.
JHR will set the maximum amount of the Green Finance as the total of the following funds ("Eligible Green Debt Amount") and will manage the balance of the Green Finance so that it does not exceed the Eligible Green Debt Amount:

Total acquisition price of green buildings: (1) JPY74.6Bn
Interest-bearing debt ratio to total assets: (LTV) 40.8%
Expenditures required for renovation work: (2)+(3)
Eligible Green Debt Amount: (1)×LTV+(2)+(3) JPY30.4Bn


●Fund allocation status reporting

The fund allocation status of JHR related to the Green Finance is as follows.

Green loan balance JPY3.3Bn
Unallocated green loans

<Green Loan>

Loan Name Loan Amount Unallocated Amount Borrowing Date Principal Repayment Date Collateral
Term Loan 101 JPY3.3Bn March 29, 2024 March 29, 2030 Unsecured/

●Impact reporting

JHR will disclose the following information annually as long as the green finance balance remains:

Evaluation by External Organization

JHR has received the following evaluation from Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR) regarding the eligibility of its Green Finance Framework.

Evaluation Agency Evaluation Subject Evaluation
JCR Green Finance Framework Overall Evaluation Green 1 (F)
Greenness Evaluation
(Use of Proceeds)
g1 (F)
Management, Operation and Transparent Evaluation m1 (F)
* For details, please refer to JCR's news release and website.
Website of JCR: https://www.jcr.co.jp/en/greenfinance/news/

Green Bonds

Basic Policy

As part of the initiatives to enhance sustainability, JHR issued twelfth unsecured investment corporation bonds of JHR (hereinafter "Green Bonds") in July 2019. JHR and the Asset Management Company believe that the issuance of the Green Bonds and expansion of fund procurement from investors interested in ESG investment will not only lead to strengthen the financing base of JHR, but also it will contribute to the expansion of the market of ESG investment.

* The Green Bonds were issued prior to the formulation of the above Green Finance Framework, and its framework has been set forth separately.

Compliance of Eligible Criteria of Green Bonds

In order to meet the eligible criteria for the Green Bonds issued, JHR manages procured funds and limits the use of funds as follows.

Use of Procured Funds

Covers renovation cost which meet following criteria

Management of Procured Funds

Among the proceeds procured by the Green Bonds, "1. Funds for repayment for renovation cost of Oriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station (1,600 million yen)" was already allocated to the repayment on July 31, 2019. On the other hand, "2. Funds for constructions for renovation etc. of the other hotels (400 million yen)" was separately managed by a leger and was held by cash or cash equivalents until they are all allocated by the end of January 2021.


Under the framework of the Green Bonds, JHR discloses the allocation status of the funds procured by the Green Bonds and KPIs related to the effects on environmental improvement once a year on the website until the redemption date of the Green Bonds.

Water Consumption
Energy Consumption
CO2 Emissions
31,709 2,815 1,097
(*) The figures above are the aggregated numbers from April 2022 through March 2023.

(Unit: JPY MM)

Name of Properties(*1) Date Amount Usage of the Funds CO2 Emissions
Reduction Rate
July 2019 to
September 2019
15 Cost of issuance of the Green Bonds, etc.
Oriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station July 2019 1,600 Repayment of the loans related to the renovation cost (16.0%)
Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa October 2019 29 Construction works for renewal of air-conditioning system (renovation of restaurant) (46.4%)
Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa October 2019 13 Construction works for converting to LED lights (renovation of restaurant) (74.9%)
Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa October 2019 10 Construction works for renewal of washing and sterilizing equipment (renovation of restaurant) (44.6%)
HOTEL ASCENT FUKUOKA May 2020 100 Construction works for renewal of heat source equipment (10.2%)
dormy inn Kumamoto July 2020 74 Construction works for replacement of air conditioning equipment (12.8%)
Hilton Tokyo Bay August 2020 57 Construction works for renewal of fan coil units in guest rooms (27.2%)
Hilton Nagoya January 2021 57 Construction works for renewal of elevators (20.0%)
Chisun Hotel Kamata January 2021 15 Construction works for replacement of control panel for elevator (18.1%)
Washington Hotel Plaza
Hakata, Nakasu
January 2021 13 Construction works for renewal and maintenance of fan coils (33.2%)
International Garden Hotel Narita January 2021 45 Construction works for renewal of outdoor air conditioning equipment
Total 2,026
Remaining amount -
(*1) Name of properties are the name when funds are allocated.
(*2) The figures of CO2 emissions reduction rates are estimated by the Asset Management Company based on expert reports.
Oriental Hotel Fukuoka Hakata Station
Construction works to save energy in large-scale renovations
Okinawa Marriott Resort & Spa (current Oriental Hotel Okinawa Resort & Spa)
Construction works to save energy in restaurant renovations (after renovation)

Summary of the Issued Green Bonds

Name Twelfth unsecured investment corporation bonds of JHR
(Pari passu covenants between investment corporation bonds are attached) (Green Bonds)
(Nickname : Hotel Green Bonds)
Issue amount JPY2.0Bn
Interest rate 0.400%/year
Issue date July 31, 2019
Redemption date July 31, 2024